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Renewable natural gas

Our growing renewable natural gas footprint

可再生天然气(RNG)是一种清洁可靠的燃料,通常由, please…animal waste! 当废物分解时,它会产生甲烷,一种自然产生的温室气体. The methane is captured, eliminating it from the atmosphere, and then processed to use as an energy source. 这有助于满足日益增长的能源需求,同时向更清洁的能源过渡.


Let’s start with how RNG works

• Step 1: Organic waste is collected from various sources, such as landfills, farms and waste-water treatment facilities.
• Step 2: Greenhouse gases, including methane, are captured from the waste, preventing its release into the atmosphere.
• Step 3: The methane, which is 25 times more potent than CO2 emissions, is cleaned and conditioned for use in existing energy infrastructure.

RNG versus natural gas

RNG的功能就像威尼斯电玩城手游几十年来一直在使用的天然气一样, schools and public services. 可再生天然气是有机物质分解的产物,比如奶牛的排泄物, hogs or chickens; waste from landfills; or even wastewater sludge—that has been processed to meet purity standards. 就像从地球表面深处产生的天然气一样, 通过清洁和调节,RNG可以满足所有管道对天然气质量的要求,并通过互连的建设集成到现有的天然气基础设施中.

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Our RNG Operations

威尼斯电玩城手游公司在运输可再生天然气方面的经验可以追溯到2002年, 当它第一次将加拿大的一个垃圾填埋场连接到威尼斯电玩城手游的跨大西洋和海洋管道时. 在美国.S., 自2005年以来,威尼斯电玩城手游的管道系统一直在运输RNG,这是威尼斯电玩城手游在戴维森县的戴维森RNG项目, 密歇根.

Our portfolio now encompasses 12 interconnects across Québec, 密歇根, 肯塔基州, 密苏里州, Oregon and Wisconsin – with growth opportunities in the works. TC Energy’s Canadian and U.美国的天然气系统目前每年能够从农场和垃圾填埋场输送80亿立方英尺(Bcf)的可再生天然气,另外还有每年300亿立方英尺的可再生天然气项目正在进行中.

One of our active interconnects is the Threemile Canyon Farms partnership 在俄勒冈州, 从农场的牲畜中产生足够的可再生天然气来帮助向加州的消费者提供天然气. The investment reduces approximately 136,000吨/年的二氧化碳当量——相当于2009年的年温室气体排放量,500 passenger vehicles or from the energy consumption of 16,300个家庭.

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We have three active interconnects 在密苏里州. At full ramp-up, our 密苏里州 interconnects will flow a combined 2.1 million cubic feet per day of RNG produced from hog waste, avoiding some 42,相当于每年800吨二氧化碳的排放量——相当于每年大约900吨二氧化碳的排放量,300 passenger vehicles driven for one year.


由于威尼斯电玩城手游的许多客户对碳中和能源机会感兴趣,威尼斯电玩城手游的RNG能力正在不断扩大,每年都会增加新的互连,并且正在进行商业讨论. 威尼斯电玩城手游希望在未来几年继续扩大威尼斯电玩城手游的RNG互连足迹, 随着这项技术变得越来越容易获得,人们对RNG的认识也越来越高. 了解更多威尼斯电玩城游戏下载RNG如何帮助实现能源转型的信息 RNG联盟, of which we are proud to be a member!